
Who Is Jake Ackerman?

The other day I had conversation with a gentleman named Justin Luedgerodt. (Did I get that spelling correctly?) We discussed the economy and the changing times.

Justin had some interesting insights. The comment that stuck the longest was: "There are a lot of people who've been successful for a long time who'll be forced to reinvent themselves."

I have had similar conversations with some of the best and brightest land developers, general contractors, Realtors, and others - and it is true.

Some people are waiting for the economy to "come back" and return to its previous way. In actuality we are transitioning into a new age.

From the Land Rush to the Gold Rush to the Industrial Revolution to the Baby Boomers - some called the last era "The Information Age". I think the New Age has yet to be written... but there can be no doubt - we will all be forced to change, adapt, and RE-INVENT ourselves if we wish to thrive.

So it is a great opportunity for me to ask: "Who is Jake Ackerman?" and really dig to find the answer.

Who are You?

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